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Women Deliver conference

Women Deliver is the largest global conference on issues facing women and girls around the world.

This year's conference is being held in Copenhagen, Denmark from 16 to 19 May 2016, and Roda is honoured to be organising the Eastern Europe and Central Asia Regional Caucus together with Path. The topic of the Caucus is Survive, Thrive and Transform Pregnancy and Childbirth.

On these pages you will find the list of reproductive health and rights issues in Eastern Europe and Central Asia that we have defined in our consultations from March to May 2016, and a contact form you can use to send us your ideas. You can request to endorse the statement by writing to daniela@roda.hr.

We would also appreciate it if you would circulate the infographic below through your networks, encouraging colleagues to leave us feedback as well.


Women Deliver je najveća globalna konferencija o problemima žena i djevojčica diljem svijeta.

Ovogodišnja konferencija održat će se u Kopenhagenu od 16. do 19. svibnja 2016., a u sklopu konferencije udruga Roda organizira Regionalni sastanak za istočnu Europu i centralnu Aziju u četvrtak, 19. svibnja. Tema regionalnog sastanka je Preživjeti, uspijevati i promijeniti trudnoću i porod.

Čak i ako nemate prilike sudjelovati na regionalnom sastanku u Kopenhagenu, možete sudjelovati u raspravi na način da nam dostavite svoje ideje o temama o kojima ćemo raspravljati. Zaključci rasprave bit će iskorišteni za sastavljanje zajedničke deklaracije u lipnju 2016. tako da je svaka vaša povratna informacija dragocjena.

Molimo vas i da dijelite infografiku putem vaših kanala komunikacije, te da pozovete koleg(ic)e da nam pošalju svoje ideje i mišljenja.

Reproductive Health Issues that Impact Women during Pregnancy, Childbirth and Postpartum (infographics)

356.04 kB 86

Caucus Booklet
Caucus Booklet


887.44 kB 46

