U petak, 16. rujna 2016. u prostorijama Društva Naša djeca Pazin, održana je kreativna radionica…
U nedjelju, 11. rujna ove godine, u prostorijama Društva Naša djeca Cres, održana je kreativna…
Donosimo vam nekoliko zanimljivosti o tatama, upakiranih u zanimljiv kviz. Provjerite koliko…
Kada tata koristi roditeljski dopust, on doprinosi manjem rodnom jazu u skrbi/kućanskim poslovima…
Pogledajte na koje sve načine tate mijenjaju život nabolje.
Reproductive health issues impact women, families and societies. By defining them we can create…
Major change is needed in DE-normalising abuse and disrespect in childbirth. All women should…
Key human rights elements of infertility including access, the mitigation of the negative effects…
How can we situate the issue of women's rights in childbirth within the broader spectrum of…
Importance of understanding patients’ and providers’ rights and responsibilities to ensure…
Ill-treatment of a woman in a most important moment of her life and in a moment of the beginning…
Hermine Hayes-Klein at Women Deliver 2016: "Ensuring women have a positive birth experience…