Rodina podrška Agnes Gereb, mađarskoj ginekologinji i primalji
Sud u Budimpešti osudio je 24. ožujka 2011. ginekologinju i primalju Agnes Gereb, glavnu zagovornicu poroda kod kuće u Mađarskoj, na dvije godine zatvorske kazne i pet godina zabrane obstetričke/primaljske prakse pod optužbom nesavjesnog obavljanja dužnosti.
Agnes Gereb, s iskustvom asistiranja u više od 3500 kućnih poroda tijekom gotovo 20 godina, proglašena je krivom za asistiranje pri dva odvojena poroda kod kuće pri čemu je tijekom jednog od njih umrlo novorođenče. Primalja Gereb provest će barem godinu dana iza rešetaka prije mogućnosti uvjetnog otpusta.
Presuda je donesena isključivo na temelju dokaza koje je podnijelo tužiteljstvo i pri tom nisu izložena niti uzeta u obzir mišljenja međunarodnih stručnjaka za porod kod kuće.
Ta je parnica u Mađarskoj potaknula nekoliko glasnih prosvjeda za legaliziranje izvaninstitucionalnog asistiranog porođaja nakon bezuspješnih pokušaja u posljednjih 20 godina.
Ranije ovog mjeseca mađarska je vlada priopćila da će asistirani porod kod kuće napokon postati dopuštena legalna mogućnost od 1. svibnja 2011., ali samo pod strogim sigurnosno-tehničkim uvjetima.
Udruga Roda podržava legalizaciju asistiranog izvaninstitucinalnog porođaja i u skladu s time poslala je u studenom 2010. godine pismenu reakciju Mađarskom veleposlanstvu u RH.
Embassy of Hungary
Dr. Gábor Iván, the Ambassador
Your Excellency,
We are writing to you as a Croatian civil society organisation with a ten year history of activism that, among other things, works to promote a woman's right to birth wherever and with whomever she wishes. As such we feel the need to react in the case of Ágnes Geréb, an obstetrician recently arrested after a woman gave birth quickly and unexpectedly during a childbirth class at her birth centre in Budapest.
Ms. Geréb is a professional who advocates a woman's right to choose where she will give birth and who will be present. We find it abhorrent that a woman's and indeed parent's right to choose where their child will be born and who will be in attendance is being compromised and that the justice system is seeking to severely punish those who, guided successful by midwifery and homebirth practices in Europe and the world, seek to offer women in Hungary the same, very basic human right. It is also frightening to see that at this very sensitive time, when childbirth reform legislation is before Hungarian Parliament and is being met with support from MPs, that individuals have taken it upon themselves to introduce a 'police-state' like feeling among those who support home birth and choices in childbirth.
Croatia looks towards Hungary as a member of the European Union and successful neighbouring state as an example in many instances – childbirth legislation reform should not be an exception. We must all work to ensure that birth, a human right, is respected and that parents have the right to choices and to birth outside of a hospital. As such, we urge you to support your government to free Ágnes Geréb and enact legislation that honours a woman's right to choose where and with whom she will birth her child.
RODA – Parents in Action
Mirela Blazanovic, President
Film Birthrights - Hard Labour in Hungary, o stanju slobodnog primaljstva u Mađarskoj, možete pogledati ovdje.