Project Title: Wings for Roda (Upward Through Mobilities)
Call Title: Erasmus+, Key Action 1: Learning Mobility for Individuals
Project Duration: October 1, 2020 - June 30, 2023
Contract Number: 2020-1-HR01-KA104-077251
Total Project Value: 13,520.00 EUR
Implemented by: Parents in Action - Roda
Contact Person: Ivana Zanze, Project Manager (Roda), email:, phone: 01 61 77 510
Brief Project Description
With Croatia's accession to the European Union, Roda has been increasingly in contact with organizations dealing with similar topics and program areas. The need for collaboration is growing, and the benefit of exchanging experiences and knowledge is invaluable. Such a working method also involves the necessity of increasing the capacity of our staff and volunteers for work, networking, project management, and maintaining productive collaborations with similar and complementary organizations in the EU.
As an organization, Roda is also growing, including international experts in its projects and sharing its experiences and knowledge by participating as guests in countries in the region and beyond.
For these reasons, we have devised a project to strengthen the capacity of our human resources - employees and interested volunteers - through participation in mobility projects in the EU. This will allow us to enhance our capacities so that in a few years, as a leading organization, we can host and empower other smaller organizations, especially in the field of education and training, where we have expertise.
Roda's needs in the coming period involve enhancing the competencies of staff and volunteers - project and program managers in the areas of teaching and leadership. The organization is growing and involving individuals with diverse educational backgrounds from across the country, and improving our competencies is imperative. Furthermore, with the expansion of international cooperation, we recognize the need to work on leadership skills, facilitation, conflict resolution, as well as teaching project management skills to address the unique challenges that intercultural collaboration can bring.
By encouraging our staff and volunteers to participate in mobility projects and attend courses to improve their competencies that are different from those available in Croatia, we will enhance their capacities and provide them with an opportunity for personal practice of these skills while benefiting from the opportunities of mobility projects.
Selected Themes/Workshops
The organization's employees and volunteers have selected four education courses to attend:
Handling Stress and Avoiding Burnout
Skills and Practices for Authentic Communication
Coaching - Skills and Practice
Soft Skills for Strong Teachers
After each attended workshop, the participants will disseminate the knowledge to all employees and interested volunteers within the organization, and any printed materials will be permanently available to all interested parties.
All education courses will take place during April and May. Afterward, according to the agreed schedule, the project results will be disseminated and the acquired knowledge will be transferred to a larger group of stakeholders.