First Childbirth Educator Training held in Slovenia

What can happen when twenty or so women from Croatia nad Slovenia meet in the hills of Posavlje in Slovenia? Nothing more or less than - MAGIC!

The second step in the training program for childbirth educators - a four-day intensive hands-on training wrapped up last week, crowning months of learning and working from home. The program included a total of twenty-six women, joined by four babies who were model students alongside their mums.

The first day of the training was dedicated to adult education. Particpants were given a partner from another country and given a homework assignment to prepare a short sample childbirth education lesson to present at the end of the in-person training, including all the methods of effective adult education they had learned.

Half of the second day and the third day were dedicated to practical exercises about the physiology of pregnancy, birth and postpartum, while the fourth day was dedicated to psychology - how to run a course, how to handle difficult participants, how to take care of yourself and how to say no.

Every "first" generation is special, and this generation is no exception. From the first, shy glances to the final day when we said goodbye with hugs and tears, we achieved our goal - to create a network of future childbirth educators who will support each other and pregnant families throughout the region. One step is left in their childbirth educator journey - to prepare their final project, a sample curriculum, and test it in their own community.

We can't wait :)
