Code of Ethics

Code of Values and Ethics for Roda-Certified Childbirth Education Educators (RCCEE)


  • We facilitate a pregnant family’s personal process in pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum; each experience is unique and there is no right way.
  • We value the dignity and worth of every person and family, no matter how they define themselves, and provide them with equal access to support and information.
  • We value the normal, physiological processes of pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding.
  •  We value our community of childbirth educators and work to lift each other up.
  • We value collaboration above competition, among colleagues and in our communities.
  • Giving back to our local communities is a core part of our work.


Code of Values and Ethics

In order to ensure quality and ethical practice, Roda – Parents in Action have established a Code of Values and Ethics for Roda Certified Childbirth Education Educators (RCCEE). Completing the training and obtaining a certificate makes you subject to this Code of Values and Ethics.

To Pregnant Families
  • We provide unbiased, evidence-based information on safe and healthy pregnancy, birth and early parenting through education and advocacy.
  • We promote the right of childbearing women to make their own informed choices, presenting benefits, risks and reasonable alternatives as well as a woman’s right to change her mind at any time.
  • We respect the normal, physiological processes of pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding and a woman’s inherent ability to give birth and provide nourishment to her child.
  • We act with honesty, integrity, respect and professionalism in all encounters, recognise our limits and apologise when we are wrong.
  • We respect that families come in many shapes and forms, and we do not discriminate in any way.
  • We evaluate our performance in a way that is fair and respectful to us and our service users.
  • We adhere to the International Code on the Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes; this means we do not promote or recommend products or services that undermine breastfeeding (including providing samples or using teaching materials with brand names of these products).
  • We respect our service users’ right to privacy and only obtain their private information required for providing services. We value our service users’ private information and never disclose it to third parties.
  • We communicate the terms of service provided to clients honestly and clearly.

To Colleagues and Mentors
  • We are aware of our profession’s mission, values and ethical principles and standards and adhere to them in our practice.
  • We respectfully collaborate, coordinate, spread knowledge to and learn from our colleagues.
  • We strive to increase our professional knowledge and skills over time by participating in continuing education and acknowledge our own limits in knowledge.
  • We protect, enhance, and improve the integrity of childbirth education through active, constructive and responsible criticism.
  • We value personal boundaries and privacy of all those we work with.
  • We act honestly and responsibly and avoid conflicts of interest.
  • We contribute to the knowledge base of our profession of childbirth educators.
  • We respect confidential information shared with us by colleagues.

To the Community
  • We are constructive and respectful in all our communications, especially online and on social media.
  • We are responsible, upstanding members of the community who collaborate with other stakeholders in maternity care in a positive, respectful manner
  • We honestly acknowledge the work and contributions of others.
  • We contribute time and expertise to activities that promote respect for the value, integrity, and competence of the childbirth education profession, including teaching, research, consultation, service etc.
  • We collaborate with healthcare professionals and other stakeholders to promote local, regional, national and international efforts to meet the needs of pregnant families.


Grounds for Sanctions or Disqualification
  1. Any behaviour or action that is not in accordance with this Code of Ethics and Values.
  2. Obtaining, trying to obtain or knowingly assisting someone else to obtain a certificate or renewed certification outside of the approved process.
  3. Falsely stating your status (or renewed status) as a Childbirth Educator certified by Roda.
  4. Dishonesty in preparing application, training-related or re-certification assignments and materials. This can include plagiarism (copying someone else’s work), falsifying information or impersonating another person.
  5. Unauthorised possession, use or distribution of copyrighted materials. This includes all program materials that do not expressly state that they are for public use.
  6. Any violations related to the standard of practice, policy or procedure that can endanger participants or community.

I hereby certify that I have understood and accept the Code of Ethics for Roda Childbirth Educators and the Grounds for Sanctions or Disqualification. I understand that by attending and completing the program I am subject to this document in its entirety so long as I am attending the Roda Certified Childbirth Educator training or am a Roda Certified Childbirth Educator.

