Join a Vibrant Community of Childbirth Educators

Call for Participants

Are you passionate about education and want to change the culture surrounding maternity care in your community? Do you have an entrepreneurial spirit? Do you want to become a part of a new, vibrant community of childbirth educators in Croatia and Slovenia? Read on!

Roda from Croatia, Indo Anai from Slovenia and Aperio from the Czech Republic are currently running an Erasmus+ project called 3P+. The project is developing a curriculum for childbirth educators who will run antenatal courses in their communities. A multi-disciplinary team from all three countries worked hard on the project, this is the first time it will be offered. We don't know if we will offer it again in the next year, so this is a unique opportunity.

Our goal is to create a vibrant community of childbirth educators throughout Croatia and Slovenia who will do everything they can to help each other succeed. This will be a community of women committed to life-long learning and changing. Their mission is to help women get the information they need to make informed choices, without judgment.

We are offering you a free training program developed for this region (without copying foreign programs) by women from this region. Experienced teachers will help you gain skills you need to hold successful childbirth education classes in your community.

We are giving a lot, but are also asking a lot. Participants will have to work hard, stick to deadlines, be committed and bring their most positive self forward to help us test our curriculum.

If you're still reading this and are nodding your head thinking – Yes! These are my people! – then download the PDF below to learn more about the program and the application process.







Information Package for Participants
Information Package for Participants


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