Register - Motherhood and Women with Disabilities

Roda's 10th Annual Milk Conference and reBIRTH 2017 - Motherhood and Women with Disabilities
Registration, Terms and Conditions


Registration instructions and information

The registration form can be found here.

Registration deadline

As space is restricted, we will be accepting registrations until the conference is sold out or until 6 November 2017, whichever is sooner. If you would like to register after this date, you will need to call Roda's office to check before sending a registration form.

Conference fees

Conference fees - 20 EUR

Lunch, transportation and accommodations are not included in the conference fees.



Once you complete the registration form, please pay the conference fees.
Payments can be made by PayPal or bank transfer.

Payments by PayPal

Once you complete your registration, at the end of the document you can choose to go to Pay Pal page and you can complete the payment from there. 
Also, you can pay by Pay Pal using this form. Before you make your payment, please make sure to register using the online registration form.

Payments by bank transfer

When paying conference fees by bank transfer from outside Croatia, please pay in euros and use the following account information:

IBAN: HR1624840081100197341, SWIFT: RZBHHR2X
Bank address: Raiffeisebank Austria d.d., Petrinjska 59, Zagreb, Croatia

Account owner: RODA, Caniceva 14, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska
Payment description: KONF+ the participant's full name

Please note that if paying by bank transfer, you are reponsible for paying all bank fees. For this reason we recommend you use PayPal.


Official Invoices

If you require an official invoice made out to an institution, please make sure to note this in your registration form along with all the information that needs to be on the invoice. For more information on official invoices contact

RODA does not accept any conference fees paid by companies who do not adhere to the International Code on the Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes. Any payments received will be returned and the registration will be voided.


Interpretation services will be provided from English to Croatian and vice-versa.
If you will need interpretation headphones, please note this in your registration form so that we have an adequate number of headphones available. If you do not note this in your registration form, we cannot guarantee that headphones will be available.

Continuing Education Credits

If you require extra information for continuing education credits for your country / organisation, please contact

Children at the Conference

Small children (babies in arms) are welcome at this and all of RODA's events. We expect you to take care of their needs so that we can all enjoy the event.
