Skills and practices for authentic communication - Wings for Roda 3rd mobility course

The training Skills and practices for authentic communication in Erasmus+ KA1 project Wings for Roda
Our volunteer Vedrana Kobaš and employee Ines Mindjek participated in the training titled Skills and practices for authentic communication from May 22nd to May 26th, 2023. The training took place in Vienna as part of the ERASMUS+ staff mobility training course.
The training was conducted by Irene Rojnik from the ALP network and consisted of both theoretical and practical components. Vedrana and Ines learned many useful and practical tools that will facilitate their communication, both with users of Roda's services and within the organization. The group of participants was small (including Vedrana, Ines, two headmasters and a teacher from Italy), but very dynamic, providing them with plenty of opportunities to practice what they learned. They also used their free time for short sightseeing tours of Vienna and for networking and exchanging experiences with other participants.
Both Vedrana and Ines emphasized that this experience was very valuable to them, and they would like to attend similar training courses in the future.