Training for the Faculty of Medicine in Zagreb as part of the Together for Fertility project
Training for the Faculty of Medicine in Zagreb as part of the Together for Fertility project
As part of the Erasmus+ project Together for Fertility, Roda held a training for future (in)fertility educators specially adapted for medical students. The education was designed and held as an additional activity of the project, entitled (In)fertility educator training - Module 1.
Module 1 of the nonformal education programme for (in)fertility educators was created specifically for students of the Faculty of Medicine in Zagreb and was adapted in relation to the training for (in)fertility educators previously held as part of the Together for Fertility project.
The training was held in cooperation and with the support of the Student Section for Gynecology and Obstetrics of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Zagreb. This education was one of the activities included in their nomination for the Rector's Award in 2024.
Duration of the compulsory part of education:
Preparatory period (online): 12 days - from April 24, 2024.
Training in person: 2 days – May 6 and 7, 2024.
Total number of hours of training in person: 8 hours
The training took place in the premises of the association Roda - Parents in Action, Žerjavićeva 10, Zagreb.
On the last day of the training, an optional activity was organised for the participants - a visit to the infertility treatment clinic. During this activity, participants were given a guided tour of the clinic at the Repromed polyclinic with a detailed explanation of the treatment process and a conversation with a biologist-embryologist: "What does interdisciplinary cooperation look like and why is it important in the treatment of infertility?". Attendees were also able to view the premises of the polyclinic's embryology and andrology laboratory.
The education was led by:
Maja Berkarić, MD, (in)fertility educator
Bojana Šantić, (in)fertility educator, Together for fertility project lead
Outcomes for the participants of the training:
- Acquiring knowledge onthe basic principles of teaching adults
- Adoption and handling of communication tools, especially those aimed at patients with lower levels of (health) literacy
- Knowledge on the possibilities of infertility prevention, as well as the entire course/process of infertility treatment
- Raising awareness of the psychosocial needs of people facing infertility
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