Together for fertility project presented at the ESHRE congress in Copenhagen
The annual meeting of Fertility Europe is held every year as part of the ESHRE congress - the largest European congress in the field of human reproduction and embryology. This year the congress was held in Copenhagen, 25-28. June and brought together representatives of organisations of patients facing infertility from more than 20 countries.
During the annual meeting of Fertility Europe, our Bojana informed representatives of member organisations about Roda and Roda's activities and presented our project Together for Fertility. The project was presented as an example of the use of funds from the Erasmus+ program, and the representatives of the organisations were informed about the expected results of the project, along with the announcement of their dissemination. This was a great opportunity to familiarise many European organizations with the content of the project results and the ways in which they can use these results in their organizations. We paid special attention to information about the innovative educational program for the education of future (in)fertility educators.
Considering that none of the organisations present, except for the partner organisations in the Together for Fertility project (Nasz Bocian and Zachatie, which are also member organizations of Fertility Europe), have so far participated in projects financed through the Erasmus+ program of the EU, this presentation resulted in great interest, many questions and opportunities for future collaborations and partnerships.
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