Fourth partners' meeting of the Together for Fertility project held in Gdansk

Fourth partners' meeting of the Together for Fertility project held in Gdansk
Roda is currently implementing the EU project Together For Fertility, with support from the Erasmus+ program and with partner organizations from Hungary, Poland and Bulgaria.
As part of the project, all partners met in Gdansk from May 15 to 19. On this occasion, we held a partner meeting on Monday, and the next four days we devoted to an interesting and interactive education (learning teaching and training event) "How to develop a curriculum" organised by the partner Roda - parents in action.
During the meeting of the partners, we went through all the important topics that are currently occupying us considering that we have passed the half of the duration of our project - important deadlines, project results, dissemination activities and plans for the final conferences in all partner countries.
The meeting and training took place in an interesting environment - the European Solidarity Center, which we visited during the training break with expert guidance. Erasmus provided us, in addition to learning and training, an invaluable opportunity to discover other countries and cities, get to know the details of European history and culture, and create new partnerships!
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