Final conference of the Erasmus project Together for Fertility was held in Warsaw
The Together for Fertility final conference in Poland took place on 21 March in Warsaw at the Mercure hotel. The conference received the patronage of Polish scientific societies dealing with infertility and the honorary patronage of the Ministry of Health. The conference was attended by more than 90 people, including patients, representatives of scientific societies, doctors, psychologists, representatives of pharmaceutical companies as well as representatives of the Ministry of Health and the Government. The conference was also attended by representatives of patient organisations dealing with (in)fertility issues from other European countries.
During the conference, we presented all the results of the project - booklet, book, (in)fertility educator training, selected articles and selected video materials. All conference participants also received the printed version of th book “Journey to Parenthood - Your Simple Guide to Fertility".
During the conference, we handed out certificates to participants of the (in)fertility educator training held in Zagreb.
Photos: Stowarzyszenie na Rzecz Leczenia Niepłodności i Wspierania Adopcji "Nasz Bocian"
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