(In)fertility Educator Program Curriculum
How can we organise and lead educational courses for people facing infertility? How can we tailor such education to individuals who know little or nothing about (in)fertility, and who may also face challenges in reading, writing, and using digital devices and platforms—essentially, those with lower levels of learning skills?
This programme focuses specifically on addressing these challenges. This curriculum, which is currently innovative in the EU, serves as a tool for organisations targeting these groups. The programme aims to support the establishment of new communities of educators who, either within or with the support of organisations providing this education and (re)certification, will be trained to lead educational courses for people facing infertility, considering their lower literacy levels.
This curriculum was produced as one of the outputs of the Erasmus+ KA2 project Together for Fertility (2021-2024, project no. 2021-1-HR01-KA220-ADU-000033647). The content and structure of the curriculum are based on a training programme developed within the project. Both the themes of the training and the overall structure of the curriculum were reviewed and accepted by all project partners. The programme incorporates recommendations and practical tools on how to communicate health information to adults with challenges in reading, writing, and using digital devices (adults with lower learning skills), as presented in the booklet How to Communicate Health Information to People with Lower Levels of Literacy, which is also one of the project outputs.
Curriculum is available for download in all project languages - EN, BG, HR, HU, PL
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