Project Title: CHILD TRUST - CHILDren visiting parents – TRaining EU prison STaff
Project Coordinator: Bambinisenzasbarre (Italy)
Partners: Relais Enfants Parents (France), Małopolska Probation Association (Poland), RODA (Croatia)
Associated Partners: The Department of Prison Administration, Ministry of Justice - Ministero della Giustizia (IT), The Italian Guarantor Authority (IT), The Regional Inspectorate of Prison Service in Krakow, Służba Więzienna (PL), Children’s Ombudsperson (HR), Children of Prisoners Europe - COPE (FR)
Project Duration: November 1, 2024 – October 31, 2026
Total Funding Amount: €250,000
Funded under: Erasmus+ KA220-VET – Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training (KA220-VET), Agenzia Nazionale Erasmus+ IT01-IT01 - INAPP (Istituto Nazionale per l’Analisi delle Politiche Pubbliche)
Reference number: 2024-1-IT01-KA220-VET-000250062
Project Objectives
- Developing a common shared training model among the Consortium for the improvement of prison staff professional profile when working in contact with imprisoned parents and their children.
- Increasing the competencies of prison staff that work with imprisoned parents and their children.
- Engaging and raising awareness in the probation system and civil society about the importance of providing specific
training and implementing a set of procedures respectful of the rights of children with imprisoned parents.
Children of incarcerated parents belong to a vulnerable group facing emotional, social, and developmental challenges. They often experience shame, stigma, loss, and insecurity, while their relationship with their incarcerated parent is further strained by the lack of child-sensitive procedures in prison systems. Although European and international recommendations emphasize the importance of protecting the rights of children of prisoners, prison staff frequently lack the necessary competencies to engage with children during visits.
The CHILD TRUST Project seeks to implement long-term systemic changes within prison environments by introducing specialized training programs. Through these efforts, the project will enhance prison staff competencies, equipping them with the necessary skills to support children and families of incarcerated individuals. Additionally, it will develop the CHILD TRUST Toolkit, a standardized training manual that will remain accessible to institutions and professionals beyond the project’s duration. The project also aims to improve child-friendly visitation procedures, ensuring that interactions between children and their incarcerated parents are safe, dignified, and developmentally appropriate. Furthermore, advocacy and policy engagement will be strengthened at both the national and European levels, fostering legal and institutional reforms that protect and promote the rights of children with incarcerated parents.
Key Project Activities
- Development of a common training model for prison staff across participating countries.
- Piloting of the curriculum both at the national and at the transnational level.
- Creation of the CHILD TRUST Toolkit, a practical manual for prison officers with clear guidelines and best practices.
- Awareness-raising campaigns through online visibility activities.
- Transnational Final Conference in Italy, showcasing project outcomes and providing recommendations for scaling the model to other European countries.
CHILD TRUST not only provides practical tools and training for prison staff but also fosters a deeper shift in how children of incarcerated parents are perceived within society and the justice system. By ensuring education and child-sensitive procedures, the project contributes to creating an environment where children can maintain contact with their parents without additional trauma or feelings of exclusion. In the long term, this initiative lays the foundation for a system that does not view children through the lens of their parents’ punishment but rather through the perspective of their rights and need for emotional security and stability.
For further information on the project, you can contact
Illustration: Branka Hollingsworth Nara
Napisao/la: Roda
The CHILD TRUST Project – Children visiting parents – Training EU prison staff is funded by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ Programme.
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