Last week we spent four days at our second partner meeting for the Positive Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum (3P+) project in Prague, hosted by Aperio.
Aperio shares its office space with other women's associations in the Czech Republic. During our visit we had a chance to meet and visit organisations like Forum 50%, which provides support, education and training for female politicians at all levels and from all parties, Czech Women's Lobby, an oragnisation that lobbies for women's issues at the national level, ProFem, which provides support and protection for victims of domestic violence and others. Aperio organises childbirth education, parental support groups and other activities for parents from Prague in the same space.
In addition to these "friendly neigbours" our colleagues from Aperio also gave us the opportunity to meet and speak to experienced childbirth educators and we shared our successes and failures together, as well as discussing the challenge of meeting the needs of parents in your community. We also had an opportuntiy to meet Maria Vnučkova, vice-president of the Czech Midwives' Association UNIPA, who is working on impelementing midwifery standards, as well as Natalie Sedlička who is a representative of the Midwifery Unit Network (MUNet). These contacts will surely be helpful in future collaborations and projects.
Our partner meeting was dynamic and busy, and we used the time to complete some activities and plan others for the upcoming and final project period. We also discussed possibilities of future collaboration.
Napisao/la: Roda
This communication is financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ Program. It reflects the view only of the author, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.