Project Presentation at the 2019 Croatian Midwives' Symposium
This year's annual symposium of the Croatian Association for the Promotion of Midwifery was held in Eastern Croatia, in Vukovar. Members of Roda were present with two topics, one of which discussed the Education for Positive Parenting, Birth and Postpartum (3P+) project in detail.
Midwives were given the first opportunity to look at and download the new app for pregnant families, Expecting, and were very excited to be able to see and use a mobile app developed in Croatian, by a team that included midwives. They were also shown preliminary illustrations from the book Pregnant - Your Guide to the Next Twelve Months. Erasmus+ is a program not many midwives have participated in, and they were excited to hear about the possibilities the program offers for adult education and professional development.
Napisao/la: Roda
This communication is financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ Program. It reflects the view only of the author, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.