3P+ Education for a Positive Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum

Financed by: Erasmus+
Project period: October 2017 – September 2019
Project no.: 2017-1-HR01-KA204-035388
Approved budget: 207,159.00 EUR
APERIO - Společnost pro zdravé rodičovství, z.s. (Czech Republic)
Zavod Indo anai (Slovenia)
Project Objective:
To increase expectant parents' knowledge and capacities, to encourage them to ask questions and to know their options, thereby in the long run, through pressure from the bottom-up, make positive changes to national maternity care systems.
Specific Objectives:
Expectant parents cannot make choices based on information they do not have, nor can they have options if they do not know they have them. This project therefore proposes a three-pronged approach to adult education, using innovative methods to get to those parents who may not seek out prenatal education and perhaps do now know the questions to ask even if they do want more information:
- develop and provide high-quality, modern adult education to expectant parents using various media and methods of delivery in order to maximise uptake and input
- produce an innovative, evidence-based curriculum for prenatal education training both a cohort of childbirth educator tutors and childbirth educators who will deliver prenatal courses across four countries and four languages, with the goal of reaching dislocated and underserved areas of all four countries.
- provide users the possibility of learning through using mobile technologies as well as printed, audio and digital publications.
Napisao/la: Roda
This communication is financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ Program. It reflects the view only of the author, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.