Roda is a member of the European Network of Childbirth Associations - an organisation based in Germany that brings together 16 organisations in Europe. Together, ENCA members wrote to the President of Hungary requesting clemency for Dr. Agnes Gereb.
The European Network of Childbirth Associations (ENCA) was founded in 1993 in Frankfurt, Germany on the initiative of the German partners, GfG (Society for Childbirth Education). ENCA is a network of organizations campaigning for improvements in perinatal care for mothers and babies. The consumer activists, parents, and childbirth educators who join ENCA, recognize the necessity of developing strategies to improve conditions in pregnancy, birth and for the postpartum period throughout Europe. Dr. Gereb was active in ENCA's foundation, and has worked tirelessly to improve the treatment and care of women in Hungary, has encouraged the medical and midwifery professions to update their practices to the benefit of women and babies, and the Hungarian health care system.
The letter, which can be downloaded below, outlilnes why Dr. Gereb should be granted clemancy, based on her immense contribution to improving the circumstances women give birth in throughout Hungary and Europe.