Sponsor the First Central European Babywearing Conference

Roda – Parents in Action is organising the First Central European Babywearing Conference in Zagreb on Saturday, October 21st 2017. We would like to take this opportunity to invite you to take advantage of this opportunity to market your products to conference attendees and those visiting Roda’s website from all over Central and Eastern Europe.
Ease of commerce within the European Union, digital translation tools and social media have made webshops and brands easily accessible to parents throughout the European Union and beyond. This, coupled with an increasing number of parents are purchasing commercial baby carriers in the region, makes this first regional conference event the perfect opportunity to market your brand to this exciting, emerging market.
We expect approximately 200 people from Croatia and surrounding countries to attend the event, including parents but also babywearing counsellors and trainers, midwives, nurses, doctors, physical therapists and psychologists. As babywearing is a fairly new practice in the region, health care professionals have many reservations about it, which they then pass on to their patients. This conference will be an excellent opportunity to promote the benefits of babywearing, teach them about safety but also to present your brand to a group of influencers that have the power to increase your brand visibility and sales in the region.
The day before the conference event, conference speakers will hold a free public lecture on the benefits of babywearing, which provides yet another opportunity to promote your brand.
Roda – Parents in Action, has been bringing parents together in Croatia since 2001, and has from its very beginnings promoted attachment parenting, including babywearing. We are very excited to be taking these activities to a new level. You can read more about Roda at www.roda.hr.
Other than its very frequented website, Roda also has a popular internet forum, forum.roda.hr, and Facebook page, RODA – Roditelji u akciji. Roda’s forum is the most popular parents’ forum in the region with about 14,000 active members with about 150,000 unique visits and 500,000 page impressions per month. Users spend about three minutes on the forum, and in that time they view an average of three forum pages. Roda’s social media is also very active, with over 60,000 followers on Facebook and a weekly reach of 100,000 users. Roda’s conference mailing list includes 500 active addresses of persons who have expressed interest in or have attended Roda’s conferences in the past, and includes parents, healthcare professionals and other stakeholders in Croatia and the region.
As you can see, over 550,000 people follow Roda’s work every month – these are mostly parents or people planning to start a family between the ages of 24-42 years old, with a high proportion of highly-educated women. This is precisely the demographic that purchases the goods your business offers.
For just 1000 EUR you can get in contact with the approximately 250 people who will attend the conference and public lecture, but also with the 550,000 parents who use Roda’s digital communications channels. You will also have the opportunity to remain in contact with potential customers throughout the EU through the YouTube recordings of the lectures, which we believe will be very popular.
We have prepared sponsorship packages for all budgets, each offering excellent value for money.
Please take the time to review our sponsorship packages, and reach out to us if you have any questions at oglasavanje@roda.hr.