As a legal entity, you can submit your donation directly by making a payment:
RODA's IBAN: HR1624840081100197341
Bank address: Raiffeisebank Austria d.d., Petrinjska 59, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Receiver: Roditelji u akciji - RODA
Zerjaviceva 10
Zagreb 10000
When completing the payment order form for domestic donations, under "reference number" please enter your company/organization's registration number. Please also read our Donations Policy - donations not in accordance with the Policy will be returned.
Please remember that in accordance with the provisions of the Income Tax Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Croatia 177/04, 73/08, 80/10, 114/11, Art. 36, Paragraph 12) donations are tax-deductible:
"A taxpayer may have his/her personal allowance increased by gifts in kind and in cash given in Croatia and transferred to transaction accounts of associations and other persons engaged in cultural, educational, scientific, health-care, humanitarian, sport-related or religious activities pursuant to special regulations, up to 2% of the taxpayer's income for which the annual tax return was submitted and the annual income tax assessed in the previous year. Exceptionally, the personal allowance shall be increased by the gifts above the stipulated value, provided that they have been given pursuant to the decisions of competent ministries on the implementation and financing of special programs and operations, but not for the regular business activities of the gift recipient."